Electronic Engineering 3rd Semester Syllabus Download PDF MSBTE I Scheme Syllabus

Table of Content
22320 - Digital Techniques
22329 - Applied Electronics
22330 Electric Circuits and Networks
22333 Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
22334 Principles of Electronic Communication

Electronic and Communication Engineering 3rd Semester Syllabus Download

Branch : Electronic and Communication Engineering
Branch Code : ET/EX
Semester : Third

Subject : Digital Techniques
Subject Code :22320

Units / Chapters name of 22320 Digital Techniques are given below

Unit No. Unit Name
Unit 1 Number System
Unit 2 Logic gates and logic families
Unit 3 Combinational Logic Circuits
Unit 4 Sequential Logic Circuit
Unit 5 Data Converters and PLDs

Unitwise / Chapterwise Weightage for 22320 : Digital Techniques given below.

Unit No. Unit Name Marks
Unit 1 Number System 08 Marks
Unit 2 Logic gates and logic families 12 Marks
Unit 3 Combinational Logic Circuits 18 Marks
Unit 4 Sequential Logic Circuit 18 Marks
Unit 5 Data Converters and PLDs 14 Marks

Reference Books and Author name are given below

1. Modern Digital Electronics by Jain. R.P.
2. Digital Circuits and Design by Salivahanan S.; Arivazhagan S.
3. Digital Electronics by Puri, V.K.
4. Digital Principles by Malvino, A.P.; Leach, D.P.; Saha G.
5. Digital Design by Mano, Morris; Ciletti, Michael D.
6. Digital Electronics Principles and Integrated Circuits by Maini, Anil K.

Rationale, Competency, Course Outcomes (COs), Teaching and Examination Scheme, Course Map, Suggested Practical & Excercise, Practical Outcomes (PrOs), major Equipment & Intrument Required, Underpinning Theory Components, Unit Outcomes, Suggested Microproject , Suggested Learing Resources & Suggested Reference Books are given in below pdf. You can Download PDF by Clicking on Subject Name.

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Subject Name : Applied Electronics
Subject Code : 22329

Units(Chapters) of 22329 : Applied Electronics are given below

1. Low Power Amplifiers
2. High Power Amplifiers
3. Feedback Amplifiers
4. Waveform Generators
5. IC voltage Regulators and SMPS

Weightage of 22329 : Applied Electronics are given below

1. Low Power Amplifiers :
16 Marks

2. High Power Amplifiers :
18 Marks

3. Feedback Amplifiers :
12 Marks

4. Waveform Generators :
14 Marks

5. IC voltage Regulators and SMPS :
10 Marks

Reference Books Name are given below

1. Applied Electronics

2. Principles of Electronics

3. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory

4. Fundamental of Electronic Devices and Circuits

5. Electronic Devices and Circuits

6. Modern Power Electronics

Rationale, Competency, Course Outcomes (COs), Teaching and Examination Scheme, Course Map, Suggested Practical & Excercise, Practical Outcomes (PrOs), major Equipment & Intrument Required, Underpinning Theory Components, Unit Outcomes, Suggested Microproject , Suggested Learing Resources & Suggested Reference Books are given in below pdf. You can Download PDF by Clicking on Subject Name.

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Subject Name : Electric Circuits and Networks
Subject Code : 22330

Units(Chapters) of Electric Circuits and Networks are given below

1. Single Phase A.C. Circuits
2. Resonance in Series and Parallel Circuits
3. Principles of Circuit Analysis
4. Network Theorems
5. Two port networks

Weightage of Electric Circuits and Networks are given below

1. Single Phase A.C. Circuits :
14 Marks
2. Resonance in Series and Parallel Circuits :
14 Marks
3. Principles of Circuit Analysis a:
14 Marks
4. Network Theorems :
18 Marks
5. Two port networks :
10 Marks

Reference Books Name are given below

1. Basic Electrical Engineering 2. A Text Book of Electrical Technology Vol-I 3. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 4. Circuit and network 5. Electric Circuits 6. Electric Circuit Analysis 7. Fundamentals of Electrical Networks 8. Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits 9. Introductory circuit Analysis.

Rationale, Competency, Course Outcomes (COs), Teaching and Examination Scheme, Course Map, Suggested Practical & Excercise, Practical Outcomes (PrOs), major Equipment & Intrument Required, Underpinning Theory Components, Unit Outcomes, Suggested Microproject , Suggested Learing Resources & Suggested Reference Books are given in below pdf. You can Download PDF by Clicking on Subject Name.

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Subject Name : Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation
Subject Code : 22333

Units(Chapters) of Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation are given below

1. Fundamental of electronies measurements
2. Analog and Digital meters
Oscilloscope,Function generator and Spectrum analyzer
3. Sensors and transducers 4. Applications of sensor and transducers
5. Signal conditioning and Data acquisilion system

Weightage of Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation are given below

1. Fundamental of electronies measurements :
08 Marks
2. Analog and Digital meters :
14 Marks
3. Oscilloscope,Function generator and Spectrum analyzer :
14 Marks
4. Sensors and transducers :
12 Marks
5. Applications of sensor and transducers :
12 Marks
6. Signal conditioning and Data acquisilion system :
10 Marks

Reference Books Name are given below

1. Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation

2. Electronic Instrumentation

3. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements

4. Moderm Electronic

5. Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques

Rationale, Competency, Course Outcomes (COs), Teaching and Examination Scheme, Course Map, Suggested Practical & Excercise, Practical Outcomes (PrOs), major Equipment & Intrument Required, Underpinning Theory Components, Unit Outcomes, Suggested Microproject , Suggested Learing Resources & Suggested Reference Books are given in below pdf. You can Download PDF by Clicking on Subject Name.

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Subject Name : Principles of Electronics Communication
Subject Code : 22334

Units(Chapters) of Principles of Electronics Communication are given below

1. Basics of Electronic Communication
2. AM and FM Modulation
3. Transmitters and Receivers
4. Wave propagation
5. Antennas

Weightage of Principles of Electronics Communication are given below

1. Basics of Electronic Communication : 12 Marks
2. AM and FM Modulation : 18 Marks
3. Transmitters and Receivers : 14 Marks
4. Wave propagation : 14 Marks
5. Antennas : 12 Marks

Reference Books Name are given below

1. Electronic Communication Systems

2. Principles of Electronics Communication system

3. Electronic communication system: Fundamentals Through Advanceed

4. Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design

5. Audio and video systems principals, maintenance and troubleshooting

Rationale, Competency, Course Outcomes (COs), Teaching and Examination Scheme, Course Map, Suggested Practical & Excercise, Practical Outcomes (PrOs), major Equipment & Intrument Required, Underpinning Theory Components, Unit Outcomes, Suggested Microproject , Suggested Learing Resources & Suggested Reference Books are given in below pdf. You can Download PDF by Clicking on Subject Name.

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So, Students in this post we see 22320 - Digital Techniques, 22329 - Applied Electronics, 22330 - Electric Circuits and Networks, 22333 - Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation & 22334 - Principles of Electronic Communication syllabus.Imsbte syllabus i scheme 3rd sem mechanical diploma, msbte electrical diploma syllabus pdf, msbte syllabus i scheme 5th sem, syllabus of 5th sem electrical engineering diploma, msbte 4th sem syllabus i scheme electrical engineering, syllabus for diploma in electrical engineering 3rd semester 2020,Mypractically

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