MSBTE Diploma Projects MSBTE I Scheme Project Ideas All Branch - All Semester - All Subject

MSBTE Diploma Projects MSBTE I Scheme Project Ideas All Branch - All Semester - All Subject

MSBTE Diploma All Branch Project Ideas

MSBTE has suggested small projects in MSBTE I scheme. A student plans to undertake only one micro-project which should be assigned to him at the beginning of the semester. The first four semesters are group-based micro-projects. However, in the fifth and sixth semesters, the problem-solving skills and confidence of each student should be taken as individually as possible so that he can contribute to the projects of the industry. In some situations where groups have to be formed for small-scale projects, the number of students in the group should not exceed three.

Area of Projects Micro-projects can be industry-based, Internet-based, workshop-based, laboratory-based, or field-based. Each micro-project should include two or more COs which are actually a combination of Pro, UO and ADO. Each student must keep a dated work diary of personal contributions to the project work and present his / her seminar before submitting it.

  • MSBTE Diploma All Branch Projects Ideas (Branch Wise):-
1. Computer Engineering (CO)

2. Information IT Engineering (IT)

3. Civil Engineering (CE)

4. Eletronics Engineering (EE)

5. Electrical Engineering (EE)

6. Mechanical Engineering (ME)


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