Mechanical Engineering 3rd Semester Syllabus Download MSBTE I Scheme

Table of Content
22306 - Strength of Materials
22310 - Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
22337 - Thermal Engineering
22342 - Engineering Metrology
22343 - Mechanical Engineering Materials

Subject Name : Strength of Materials
Subject Code : 22306

Units(Chapters) of Strength of Materials are given below

1. Moment of Inertia
2. Simple stresses and Strains
3. Mechanical properties and Elastic Constants
4. Shear force- Bending Monment and Shear stresses- Bending stresses
5. Torsion
6. Direct and Bending stresses

Weightage of Strength of Materials are given below

1. Moment of Inertia :
06 Marks

2. Simple stresses and Strains :
10 Marks

3. Mechanical properties and Elastic Constants :
08 Marks

4. Shear force- Bending Monment and Shear stresses- Bending stresses :
28 Marks

5. Torsion :
08 Marks

6. Direct and Bending stresses :
10 Marks

Reference Books & Author Name are given below

1. Strength of Materials by Punmia B.C.

2. Strength of Materials by Ramamurtham S.

3. Strength of Materials by Timoshenko Gere

4. Strength of Materials by Khurmi R.S.

5. Strength of Materials by Rattan S.S.

Rationale, Competency, Course Outcomes (COs), Teaching and Examination Scheme, Course Map, Suggested Practical & Excercise, Practical Outcomes (PrOs), major Equipment & Intrument Required, Underpinning Theory Components, Unit Outcomes, Suggested Microproject , Suggested Learing Resources & Suggested Reference Books are given in below pdf. You can Download PDF by Clicking on Subject Name.

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Subject Name : Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Subject Code : 22310

Units(Chapters) of Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering are given below

1. Electric and Magnetic Circuits
2. A.C. Circuits
3. Transformer and single phase induction motors
4. Electronic components and Signals
5. Diodes and applications
6. Bipolar Junction Transistor

Weightage of Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering are given below

1. Electric and Magnetic Circuits :
08 Marks

2. A.C. Circuits :
12 Marks

3. Transformer and single phase induction motors :
16 Marks

4. Electronic components and Signals :
12 Marks

5. Diodes and applications :
12 Marks

6. Bipolar Junction Transistor :
10 Marks

Reference Books Name are given below

1. Basic Electrical Engineering

2. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

3.Electrical Technology Vol - |

4. Electrical Technology Vol - ||

5. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering

6. A text book of Applied Electronics

7. Electronics Principles

8. Principles of Electronics

9. Fundamental of Electronic Devices and Circuits

Rationale, Competency, Course Outcomes (COs), Teaching and Examination Scheme, Course Map, Suggested Practical & Excercise, Practical Outcomes (PrOs), major Equipment & Intrument Required, Underpinning Theory Components, Unit Outcomes, Suggested Microproject , Suggested Learing Resources & Suggested Reference Books are given in below pdf. You can Download PDF by Clicking on Subject Name.

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Subject Name : Thermal Energy
Subject Code : 22337

Units(Chapters) of Thermal Energy are given below

1. Fundamentals of thermodynamics
2. Ideal gases and ideal gas processes
3. Steam and steam boilers
4. Steam turbines
5. Steam condensers
6. Heat transfer and heat exchangers

Weightage of Thermal Energy are given below

1. Fundamentals of thermodynamics :
08 Marks

2. Ideal gases and ideal gas processes :
14 Marks

3. Steam and steam boilers :
14 Marks

4. Steam turbines :
16 Marks

5. Steam condensers :
10 Marks

6. Heat transfer and heat exchangers :
08 Marks

Reference Books Name are given below

1. Thermal Engineering

2. Basic Thermodynamics

3. Thermal Engineering

4. A Textbook of Thermal Engineering

5. A course in Thermal Engineering

Rationale, Competency, Course Outcomes (COs), Teaching and Examination Scheme, Course Map, Suggested Practical & Excercise, Practical Outcomes (PrOs), major Equipment & Intrument Required, Underpinning Theory Components, Unit Outcomes, Suggested Microproject , Suggested Learing Resources & Suggested Reference Books are given in below pdf. You can Download PDF by Clicking on Subject Name.

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Subject Name : Engineering Metrology
Subject Code : 22342

Units(Chapters) of Engineering Metrology are given below

1. Introduction to Metrology
2. Standards and Comparators
3. Limits, Fits ,Tolerances and Gauges
4. Screw thread Measurements and Gear
5. Measurement
6. Linear and Angular Measurement Other Measurements

Weightage of Engineering Metrology given below

1. Introduction to Metrology :
10 Marks

2. Standards and Comparators :
10 Marks

3. Limits, Fits ,Tolerances and Gauges :
12 Marks

4. Screw thread Measurements and Gear :
12 Marks

5. Measurement :
12 Marks

6. Linear and Angular Measurement Other Measurements :
14 Marks

Reference Books Name are given below

1. Engineering Metrology

2. Metrology and Measurement

3. Engineering Metrology and Measurement

4. Measurement and Metrology

5. Engineering Metrology for Engineers

Rationale, Competency, Course Outcomes (COs), Teaching and Examination Scheme, Course Map, Suggested Practical & Excercise, Practical Outcomes (PrOs), major Equipment & Intrument Required, Underpinning Theory Components, Unit Outcomes, Suggested Microproject , Suggested Learing Resources & Suggested Reference Books are given in below pdf. You can Download PDF by Clicking on Subject Name.

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Subject Name : Mechanical Engineering Materials
Subject Code : 22342

Units(Chapters) of Mechanical Engineering Materials are given below

1. Basics of Engineering Materials
2. Steel and its alloys Cast Iron
3. Non ferrous Metal and Alloys
4. Non Metallic and advanced Material
5. Heat Treatment processes

Weightage of Mechanical Engineering Materials are given below

1. Basics of Engineering Materials :
10 Marks

2. Steel and its alloys :
14 Marks

3. Cast Iron :
10 Marks

4. Non ferrous Metal and Alloys :
10 Marks

5. Non Metallic and advanced Material :
12 Marks

6. Heat Treatment processes :
14 Marks

Reference Books Name are given below

1. Engineering Material

2.Engineering Materials

3. Material Science and metallurgy

4. Material Science and metallurgy

5. Material Science for Polytechnic

Rationale, Competency, Course Outcomes (COs), Teaching and Examination Scheme, Course Map, Suggested Practical & Excercise, Practical Outcomes (PrOs), major Equipment & Intrument Required, Underpinning Theory Components, Unit Outcomes, Suggested Microproject , Suggested Learing Resources & Suggested Reference Books are given in below pdf. You can Download PDF by Clicking on Subject Name.

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So, Students in this post we see MSBTE Mechanical Engineering 3rd Sem. I-Scheme 22306 - Strength of Materials, 22310 - Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 22337 - Thermal Engineering, 22341 - Mechanical Working Drawing , 22342 - Engineering Metrology & 22343 - Mechanical Engineering Materials syllabus. "msbte syllabus i scheme 3rd sem mechanical diploma pdf" "msbte 3rd sem syllabus i scheme electrical engineering" "msbte syllabus i scheme 3rd sem" "msbte syllabus i scheme 3rd sem computer engineering" "msbte 3rd sem syllabus i scheme civil engineering" "me5i syllabus" "diploma in mechanical engineering 3rd sem syllabus with subject codes" "msbte syllabus g scheme 4th sem mechanical diploma"Mypractically

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