22519 CSS Client Side Scripting Important Questions for Exam - MSBTE All Clear

CSS Client Side Scripting Important Questions for Exam - MSBTE All Clear
CSS Client Side Scripting Important Questions for Exam - MSBTE All Clear

22519 CSS (Client-Side Scripting) plays a pivotal role in shaping the user experience on the web. As technology advances, it becomes imperative for students pursuing MSBTE (Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education) courses to grasp the intricacies of CSS scripting for their exams. In this article, we'll delve into some essential questions related to CSS client-side scripting that could prove crucial for an all-clear performance in MSBTE examinations.

Whether you are pursuing a diploma or degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field, a solid understanding of CSS is indispensable. MSBTE exams often include questions that test not only theoretical knowledge but also the practical application of CSS in web development. Let's explore some key questions that might appear in your exam and ensure you are well-prepared to tackle them.


1. What do you mean by scripting language? Give one example.
2. List out any 6 features of java script.
3. How to write java script document? Give one example.
4. Define object and method.
5. Describe break and continue with the help of an example.
6. Write a program to take the input from user using prompt box.
7. Define variables and keywords with example. 8. How to sort the array.
8. Define function. Explain how to call a function.
9. How to call a function from html. Give one example.
10. List out any 4 methods for string class.
11. Define form. List out any 4 uses of form.
12. What do you mean by intrinsic function?
13. Define cookie. Write syntax to create cookies.
14. Define window & frame.


1. Explain if else statement in java script with the help of an example.
2. Explain alert box and confirm box with the help of an example.
3. Explain switch case statement in java script with example.
4. Explain looping in java script.
5. Write a program in java script to check no prime number or not .
7. Define array. How to add element in an array. Explain with the help of an example.
8. Difference between join() and concat().
9. Describe associative array with the help of an example.
10. Write a program to return Unicode of a string.
11. Explain form with its attributes. Explain with example.
13. How to access form values from java script?
14. Write a program to create a list using select statement.
15. Sort an Array in javascript.
16. Write a program to disable form elements .
17. Explain how to change attribute values dynamically.
18. What is the use of readonly element in javascript ?
19. Write a program to create a form and store the cookie and display it.
20. Write a program to delete a cookie values.
21. Write a program to open a new child window.
22. Explain operators in javascript with the help of an example.
25. Explain function . Write a program to declare a function to display message by click on button.
26. Write a program to create a parameter function to perform arithmetic operation.
27. Explain components of form. Write a program to create a registration form.
28. Explain form events. Write a program to create a form with mouse and key events.
29. Explain setTimeout() and setInterval() method with the help of an example.
30. Explain 4 methods in regular expression with Example.
31. Explain frame and write a program to create a frame.
32. Explain rollover with the help of an example.
33. Develop javascript program to create rotating banner.
34. Create a javascript program that will create pull down menu with 3 options.
35. Explain checkbox selection with example.
36. Difference between Session and persistent cookies.


In conclusion, mastering CSS client-side scripting is not just a requirement for MSBTE exams; it is a fundamental skill for anyone aspiring to be a proficient web developer. The ability to manipulate the presentation and layout of web pages using CSS is central to creating visually appealing and responsive websites. As you prepare for your exams, focus on understanding the core concepts of CSS, such as selectors, properties, and layout techniques.

Our Sincere Thanks to Kalpesh Kulkarni Sir 

By confidently answering questions related to CSS client-side scripting, you not only enhance your academic performance but also equip yourself with skills that are highly sought after in the ever-evolving field of web

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