Building Construction Mcqs 22304 MSBTE Exam Solved MCQs
22304 Building Construction Question Bank for Multiple Choice Questions with All Answers
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Overview of Building Component
1. The lowest part of a structure that transmits the load to the soil is known
(A) Superstructure
(C) Foundation
(D) Basement
Answer: - Option C
Explanation: - Foundation is the part of the Substructure which is used to distribute the load on the ground.
2. Foundation of building provided to
(A) Distribute the load over a large area
(B)Increase overall stability of the structure
(C) Transmit load to the bearing surface at uniform rate
(D) All of above
Answer: - Option D
3. Following is not used as tool for excavation
activity in construction
(A) Hoe
(C)Plumb bob
(D) Pick axe
Answer: - Option C
The foundation in which the loads are taken to low level by means of
vertical members in ground called as
(A) Pile foundation
(B)Shallow foundation
(C)Grillage foundation
(D) Boring
Answer: - Option A
5. Following is not a dewatering technique
(A) Well points
(B)Deep wells
(C) Sump pumping
(D) Strutting
Answer: - Option D
A horizontal member spanning an opening and
carrying a load
that may be brick or stone wall
above the opening is called as
(A) Column
(B) Lintel
(C) Beam
(D) Celling
Answer: - Option B
A structure in which two different materials are bound together
so strongly that they act together
as a single unit from a structural point of view called as
(A) Load bearing structure
(B) RCC framed structure
(C) Composite Structure
(D) Earthquake resisting structure
Answer: - Option C
Explanation: - Composite structure is the combination of both load
bearing structure and RCC framed structure
8. A Which is not a function of foundation
(A) To transmit and distribute total load of structure to larger area of underlying support
(B) To prevent differential settlement of structure
(C) To provide stability to structure
(D) To prevent access of water from bottom to the wall
Answer: - Option D
9. Load of slab or roof is transfer
through wall to foundation is called as
(A) Load bearing structure
(B) RCC framed structure
(C) Earthquake resisting structure
(D) Heterogeneous structure
Answer: - Option A
10. Following is not a type of a Military building
(A) Barrack
(B) Citadel
(C) Bunker
(D) Museum
Answer: - Option D
Explanation: - Museum is a type of a Educational Building which is
used for Educational Purpose.
11. the lower part of a building
which is constructed below the ground level
(A) Substructure
(B) Superstructure
(C) Parapet wall
(D) Slab
Answer: - Option A
12. is the part of a building which is used to protect the building from the direct entry of crawling animal in to house
(A) Foundation
(B) Plinth
(C) Beam
(D) Column
Answer: - Option B
13. is not a function of a cavity
(A) Damp prevention
(B) Thermal Insulation
(C) Sound Insulation
(D) Ventilation
Answer: - Option D
14. ………………….
Is the component part of building is used for horizontal communication of a
(A) Window
(B) Ventilator
(C) Door
(D) Lift
Answer: - Option C
15 is the part of a building provided
at lower level
of a window
(A) Lintel
(B) Cell
(C) Sill
(D) Dado
Answer: - Option C
16 is the part of a building used to protection of a building
from wind
(A) parapet wall
(B) Foundation
(C) Column
(D) Door
Answer: - Option C
17. Part of a building
is used to protect the house from wind, light,
rain etc.
(A) Chajja
(B) Window
(C) Column
(D) Door
Answer: - Option A
18. For movement in a building............... part of a building
is used.
(A) Beam
(B) Floor
(C) Column
(D) Door
Answer: - Option B
19 is restricts the movement of moisture through
walls and floors.
(A) Beam
(B) Floor
(C) Column
Answer: - Option D
20. covers the lower part of the wall which was subject to stains associated with rising damp;
(A) Beam
(B) Dado
(C) Column
Answer: - Option B
21 is the top most part of building which provides covering to the entire assembly and the occupants.
(A) Roof
(B) Celling
(C) Coping
(D) Parapet wall
Answer: - Option A
22. D.P.C (Damp Proof Course) is mainly laid on:
(A) Footing
(B) Floor
(C) Foundation
(D) Plinth
Answer: - Option D
23. Which of the below is constructed above doors, windows?
(A) Joist
(B) Purlin
(C) Lintel
(D) Plinth
Answer: - Option D
24. A building can be mainly divided into how many components?
(B) 3.
(C) 8
(D) 6
Answer: - Option B
25. Which of the
below is constructed above doors, windows?
(A) Joist
(D) Arch
Answer: - Option C
26. What is the level below window called?
Pane level
Lintel level
Sill level.
Plinth level
Answer: - Option C
27. Wall is mainly
of how many types?
(A) 3
(B) 2.
(D) 6
Answer: - Option B
28. wall is used to resist lateral forces
like severe wind.
(A) Knee wall (B) Cavity wall
(C) Infill wall (D) Shear wall.
Answer: - Option D
29................. is not
considered as components of a building.
(A) Termite Proofing (B)Chajja
(C) Roof (D) Lintel
Answer: - Option A
30. How many types
of parapets are there?
(A) 4. (B) 2
(C) 5 (D) 6
Answer: - Option A
31. Skylight is a
type of ………...
(A) Door (B)Fixture
(C) Fastening (D) Window
Answer: - Option D
32. The outer projection on the tread of a stair is:
(B) Outcrop
(C) Bulge
(D) Nosing.
Answer: - Option D
Construction of Substructure
A systematic arrangement of various
jobs or resources required for construction projects around it, are chalked
out on drawing
so as to achieve economy
safety and convenience. It is called
(A) Job layout (B) Site Clearance
(C) Transplantation (D) Arboriculture
Answer: - Option A
A Following is not used as tool for excavation activity in construction
(A) Hoe (B) Trowel
(C) Dread
Line (D) Pick Axe
Answer: - Option C
3. Following is not a type of caissons‟
(A) Open (B) Box
(C) Pneumatic (D) Rectangular
Answer: - Option D
4. Following is not a dewatering technique,
(A) Well points (B) Deep
(C) Sump Pumping (D) Vibro
Answer: - Option D
- Vibro Piles is type of pile which is type of cast in situ
is a type of cofferdam,
(A) Timber crib cofferdam (B) Sheet
pile Cofferdam
Double wall Cofferdam (D)
Double D cofferdam
Answer: - Option D
Explanation: - Double D cofferdam is shape of cofferdam it is not a
type of cofferdam.
6. In which process
dewatering is mostly
(A) Concreting (B) Excavation
(C) Site clearance (D) Job layout
Answer: - Option B
7. In which dewatering technique water cannot dewater more than 6m,
(A) Deep well (B) Well
(C) Ejector well (D) Sump
Answer: - Option A
8. Earth filled cofferdam is used when water level in water is less than,
(A) 120cm (B) 300cm
(C) 150cm (D) 500cm
Answer: - Option A
9...................... is not purpose of cofferdam
(A) To retain
soil & water (B) To store water temporarily
(C) To provide working
access for workers (D) To distribute load on ground from
Answer: - Option C
10. Well foundation is also known as
(A) Caissons (B) Cofferdam
(C) Piles (D) Piers
Answer: - Option A
11.................... Which is not a cased pile
(A) Raymond pile (B) Mac
Arthur pile
(C) Button Bottom
Pile (D)
Simplex pile
Answer: -
Option D
……………. is not an uncased concrete
(A) Simplex pile (B)
Franki pile
(C) Swage
Pile (D)
Pedestal pile
Answer: - Option C
13............ is not a type of deep foundation?
(A) Grillage foundation (B) Piers foundation
(C) Well
foundation (D) Pile foundation
Answer: - Option A
14. A method of giving temporary support to side
of deep trench
or when subsoil
is loose or very
soft is known as.............. called as-
(A) Sheeting (B) Bracing
(C) Excavation (D)
Timbering & Strutting
Answer: - Option D
15. The foundation in which a cantilever beam
is provided to join two footings, is known as
(A) Strip footing (B) Strap footing
(C) Combined
footing (D) Raft footing
Answer: - Option B
16. he pile which
is provided with a bulb
filled with concrete
at its lower end, is known as
(A) Simplex pile (B) Under
reamed Pile
(C) Raymond Pile (D) None
of these
Answer: - Option A
The foundation which
consists of a thick reinforced cement slab covering
whole area to support heavy concentrated structural loads, is known as …………
(A) Combined footing (B) Strap footing
(C) Raft
footing (D)
Grillage footing
Answer: - Option C
The pile
which supports the
load due to friction between
pile face and
surrounding soil, is generally known as
(A) Bearing pile (B)
Friction pile
(C) Sheet pile (D)
Battered pile
Answer: - Option B
In case of foundations on black cotton
soils, the most
suitable method to increase the bearing capacity of soils is to
Increase the depth of foundation (B) Drain
the soil
(C) Compact
the soil (D)
Replace the poor soil
Answer: - Option D
20. When two column
loads are unequal,
which of the possible footing
can be provided?
(A) Strap footing (B) Raft
(C) Trapezoidal combined
footing (D) Mat footing
Answer: - Option C
21. Foundations can be broadly classified under
(A) Shallow
& Deep foundation (B) Pile foundation
(C) grillage foundation (D) strap foundation
Answer: - Option A
If the
independent spread footing
of two columns
are connected by a beam,
it is called
(A) Combined footing (B)
Trapezoidal combined footing
(C) Strap
footing (D) Raft footing
Answer: - Option C
23. The piles that are used for protecting structures from ships
and floating object
Anchor piles (B)
Fender Piles
(C) Compaction Piles (D)
Batter piles
Answer: - Option B
24. he foundation in which a cantilever beam
is provided to join two footings, is known as
(A) Strip footing (B) Strap footing
(C) Combined footing (D) Raft footing
Answer: - Option B
The single
stage well point
system of dewatering an excavation can be used if the depth of excavation does not exceed
(A) 5m
(B) 10m
(C) 15m
(D) 20m
Answer: - Option D
27. Pier foundation is also called:
(A) Caisson (B) Box
(C) Bridge (D) Girder
Answer: - Option A
When do strap footings
are used in foundation?
(A) To transfer load of an isolated column
(B) Distance between the column are long
(C) Two column loads are unequal
(D) All of the mentioned
Answer: - Option A
29. The minimum depth of foundation for buildings on clay is
(A) 0.2 to 0.4m (B) 0.4 to 0.6m
(C) 0.6 to 0.9m (D) 0.9 to 1.6m
Answer: - Option D
30. When heavy structural loads from columns
are required to be transferred to a soil of low bearing capacity, the economical foundation is
(A) shallow foundation (B) deep foundation
(C) raft
foundation (D)
grillage foundation
Answer: - Option D
In made
up ground having
a low value of its bearing power,
heavy concentrated structural loads are generally supported by providing
(A) Combined footing
(B) Strap footing
(C) Raft footing
(D) Isolated footing
Answer: - Option C
32. The raft foundations are generally used
when the required
area of footing
is............... is the
total area of the structure.
(A) More than one fourth
(B) less than one fourth
(C) More than one half
(D) Less than one half
Answer: - Option C
33. The raft foundations is also known as........... foundation
(A) Combined footing (B) Strap footing
(C) Raft footing (D)
Isolated footing
Answer: - Option C
34. The type of foundation most suitable for bridge is
(A) pier foundation
(B) raft foundation
(C) pile foundation
(D) strap foundation
Answer: - Option A
The piles which
do not support the load by themselves, but act as medium to transmit the load
from the foundation to the resisting sub-stratum are known
(A) Friction piles
Bearing piles
(C) Batter piles
Compaction piles
Answer: - Option A
36. The piles which
do not support the load by themselves, but act as a medium
to transmit the load
from the foundation to the resting
sub stratum, are known as
(A) Friction piles (B)
Bearing piles
(C) Batter piles (D)
Compaction piles
Answer: - Option B
combined footing,
(A) a depth
of footing varies (B) width
of footing is uniform
(C) Centre of
gravity of the column loads must coincide with the
center of gravity
of the footing
Answer: - Option C
(D) depth is
greater than 2m
38. The best spacing
of timber pile from center
to center is,
(A) 600mm (B) 700mm
(C) 800mm (D) 900mm
Answer: - Option D
39.Pre cast concrete piles are usually
(A) reinforced concrete
only (B) plain or reinforced concrete
(C) reinforced concrete or pre stressed concrete (D)plain reinforced concrete or
prestressed concrete
Answer: - Option C
40.The length of precast concrete
piles varies from
(A) 3m to 4.5m (B) 4.5m to 20m
(C) 4.5m
to 20m (D) 4.5m to 30m
Answer: - Option D
41.A type of cast in situ pile best suited
for places where the ground
is soft and offers little resistance to the flow of concrete is,
(A) simplex pile (B)
franki pile
(C) vibro
pile (D)
Raymond pile
Answer: - Option C
42.A screw pile consist of cast iron or steel shaft of external diameter varying from
(A) 0 to 150mm (B) 150 to 300mm
(C) 300 to 450mm (D) 450 to 600mm
Answer: - Option B
43.The coefficient of friction between the concrete and soil is
(A) 0.20 to 0.25 (B) 0.25 to 0.30
(C) 0.30 to 0.35 (D) 0.35 to 0.50
Answer: - Option B
temporary structure constructed a river for
excluding water from
a given site
to enable the building operation to be performed
on dry surface, is called
Caisson (B) cofferdam
(C) well foundation (D) raft foundation
Answer: - Option B
45. When the depth
of water is from 4.5m to 6m , the type of cofferdam used as,
(A) Earthen cofferdam (B) Rock
fill cofferdam
(C) Single walled cofferdam (D)
Double wall cofferdam
Answer: - Option C
water tight
structure constructed in connection with excavations for foundations of bridges
(A) Earthen cofferdam (B) Rock
fill cofferdam
Single walled cofferdam (D)
Double wall cofferdam
Answer: - Option C
47. In order
that the wall
may be stable, the lowermost course of the wall footing
is made………the
width of the wall.
(A) half (B) equal to
(C) twice (D) four times
Answer: - Option C
48. Timber crib coffer
dam is used
when the level
of water is up to...................... depth.
(A) 5 to 10m (B) 10 to 20m
(C) 20 to 25m (D) 25 to 30
Answer: - Option B
Sheet pile cofferdam is used when the depth of water
is up to…………...
(A) 5 to 10m (B) 10 to 20m
(C) 4 to 6.5m (D) 25 to 30
Answer: - Option C
Rock fill cofferdam is used when the depth of water is up to…………...
(A) 5 to 10m (B) less
than 3m
(C) 4 to 6.5m (D) 25 to 30
Answer: - Option B
51 Earthen cofferdam is used when the depth of water is up to…………...
(A) less than 1.2m (B) less
than 3m
(C) 4 to 6.5m (D) 25 to 30
Answer: - Option A
52. The raft foundations are generally used when the required area of footing
is............. the total
area of the structure.
(A) more than one-fourth (B) less
than one-fourth
(C) more
than one-half (D) less
than one-half
Answer: - Option C
53.When two or more footings
are connected by a beam, it is called
(A) pille footing (B)
combined footing
(C) strap footing (D) mat footing
Answer: - Option C
54.When two or more footings
are connected by a beam, it is called
(A) pier foundation (B) strap foundation
(C) raft foundation (D) mat footing
Answer: - Option A
55. A combined footing
is commonly used
(A) when two columns are spaced
close to each other
(B) when two columns
are spaced far apart
(C) under a set of columns (D) under a set of walls
Answer: - Option A
The piles
which do not support the load by themselves, but act as a medium
to transmit the load
from the foundation to the resisting
sub-stratum, are known
(A) friction piles (B)
bearing piles
(C) compaction piles (D)
batter piles
Answer: - Option B
57 – Batter piles are
(A) used to function as retaining walls (B) used to protect
concrete deck or
other water front structures from the abrasion
or impact
driven at an inclination to resist large
horizontal inclined
Answer: -
Option C
driven in granular soil with the aim of increasing the
bearing capacity of the soil
58. The best spacing
of timber piles from center
to center is
(A) 600 mm (B) 700 mm
(C) 800 mm (D) 900 mm
Answer: - Option D
59. The maximum load
on the wooden pile should
not exceed
(A) 50 kN (B) 100 KN
(C) 150 kN (D) 200 kN
Answer: - Option D
60. The length of pre-cast concrete
piles varies from
(A) 3 m to 4.5 m (B) 4.5 m to 10 m
(C) 4.5 m to 20 m (D) 4.5 m to 30 m
Answer: - Option D
61. In.................... pile, the core
and the casting
are together driven
into the ground
to the
required depth.
(A) Mc Arthur
Pile (B)
Simplex pile
(C) Franki
Pile (D) Vibro pile
Answer: - Option A
62. The diameter of the drilled
piles should not exceed
(A) 200 mm (B) 400 mm
(C) 600 mm (D) 800 mm
Answer: - Option A
63. A steel pile which function
more efficiently in soft clay or loose sand, is
(A) H-pile (B) pipe pile
(C) screw
pile (D) disc pile
Answer: - Option C
64 . A crew
pile consists of cast iron or steel
shaft of external
diameter varying from
(A) 0 to 150 mm (B) 150
to 300 mm
(C) 300 to 450 mm (D) 450 to 600 mm
Answer: - Option B
65 . The coefficient of friction between
the concrete and soil is 0.25
(A) 0,20 (B) 0.25 to 0.30
(C) 0.30
to 0.35 (D) 0.35 to 0.50
Answer: - Option A
66. When the pile is required
to penetrate beds of hard soil or soft rock to reach
its required depth, the best method of driving
the pile is by
(A) drop hammer (B) steam hammer
(C) water jets (D) boring
Answer: - Option A
67. When the pile is driven
by means of water jets,
water is forced
through the jet pipe under a pressure of
(A) 0.2 to 0.5 N/mm² (B) 0.5
to 0.7 N/mm²
(C) 0.7 to 1.75
N/mm² (D) 1.75
to 2.5 N/mm²
Answer: - Option C
68. For the pre-cast reinforced concrete piles,
the quality of concrete recommended is
(A) M 100 to M 150 (B) M 150 to M 200
(C) M 200 to M 250 (D) M 250 to M 300
Answer: - Option B
A temporary structure constructed in a river
for excluding water
from a given
site to enable
the building operation to be performed
on dry surface, is called
caisson (B) cofferdam
(C) well
foundation (D) raft foundation
Answer: - Option B
70. When the depth of water is from 4.5 to 6 m, the type of cofferdam
used is
earthen cofferdam (B)
rockfill cofferdam
Answer: - Option C
A watertight structure constructed in connection with excavations for foundations of bridges.
piers etc., is known as
caisson (B) cofferdam
(C) well foundation (D) raft foundation
Answer: - Option A
72 is the simplest form cofferdam
Single wall cofferdam (B) Earth-fill cofferdam
(C) Cellular cofferdam (D) Rock-fill cofferdam
Answer: - Option B
73 type of cofferdam
is economical at places where rock is available in plenty.
Earth dikes (B)
Sand-bags dikes
(C) Rock-fill cofferdam (D)
Single wall cofferdam
Answer: - Option C
74. In....................... type of cofferdam consists of a mixture of sand and clay which
is filled in a
bag and placed instead of earth or rock to form a cofferdam.
(A) Cellular cofferdam (B) Earth dikes
(C) Rock dikes (D) Sand-bag dikes
Answer: - Option D
75...................................... it suitable when available working space is limited and the area to be
enclosed is small.
(A) Single wall cofferdam (B) Double wall cofferdam
(C) Dikes (D) Concrete cofferdam
Answer: -
Option A
When the area to be enclosed is large, it becomes essential to provide the the cofferdam.
(A) Single wall cofferdam (B) ) Cellular cofferdam
(C) Double wall cofferdam (D) Suspended cofferdam
Answer: - Option C
77.................. is useful when depth of water is about 6 meters to 10 meters.
(A) Wood or steel sheeting
cofferdam (B) Ohio river type cofferdam
(C) Rock-filled crib cofferdam (D) Suspended cofferdam
Answer: - Option A
The............................ is made of steel sheet
piles and this type of cofferdam is proved
successful in unwatering large areas.
Suspended cofferdam (B) Cellular cofferdam
(C) Dikes (D) Concrete cofferdam
Answer: -
Option B
81. A............................ consist of timber
(A) Cellular cofferdam (B) Suspended cofferdam
(C) Concrete cofferdam (D) Rock-filled crib cofferdam
Answer: -
Option D
82 is to be incorporated as a part of a permanent structure which have been proved
to be economical.
(A) Concrete cofferdam (B) Suspended cofferdam
(C) Single wall cofferdam (D) Cellular cofferdam
Answer: - Option A
83 are the cofferdams which can be lifted, floated
and placed in
another position as soon as its purpose is served.
(A) Dike cofferdam (B) Double wall cofferdam
(C) Suspended cofferdam (D) Single wall cofferdam
Answer: - Option C
is defined as the main
plank which remains
in contact with sides of Trench.
Sheeting (B) Wale
(C) Sheathing (D) Bracing
Answer: - Option A
The arrangement of preventing the sleep of earth in foundation trenches is used when the excavation is to be carried out in the moderately firm ground.
Runner (B) Stay bracing
(C) Vertical sheeting (D)
Vertical sheeting
Answer: - Option B
86 The arrangement of preventing the slip of earth in the foundation trenches is adopted when a large area is to be excavated for depth greater than 10 meters.
(A) Sheet piling (B) Runner
(C) Box sheeting (D) Stay bracing
Answer: -
Option A
In arrangement, the vertical
sheets are placed
nearer or sometimes, touching each other.
(A) Stay bracing (B) Box sheeting
(C) Vertical
sheeting (D) Runner
Answer: - Option B
88 The method is similar
to box sheeting except that the work is carried
out in stages and at each stage,
and offset is provided
Sheet piling (B) Box sheeting
(C) Stay
bracing (D)
Vertical sheeting
. Answer: - Option D
89 _ is defined as the main plank which
remains in contact
with sides of Trench.
(A) Sheeting (B)Wale
(C) ) Sheathing (D) ) Sheathing
Answer: - Option A
Construction of Superstructure
1. Rubble masonry is sub-divided into:
(A) 4 (B) 2
(C) 6 (D) 10
Answer: -
Option C
In masonry, the stones of irregular sizes and shapes are used which are arranged so as
to have a good appearance.
(A) dry rubble
masonary (B)
polygon rubble masonary
(C) random rubble masonary (D) uncorsed rubble
Answer: - Option D
3. In type of construction, the
square or rectangular blocks of stones
are used.
(A) brick masonary (B)
rubble masonary
(C) rock masonary (D) Ashalar masonary
Answer: - Option D
A stone
that is set with its longest dimension perpendicular to the face of a wall
and whose length is equal
to the thickness of the wall.
(A) Through stone (B) facing
(C) front stone (D) back stone
Answer: - Option A
5. The inner surface
of a stone wall that is not exposed to the weather
is referred to as the
(A) hearting (B) back
(C) bed (D)
through stone
Answer: - Option B
8. The portion of a brick cut across
the width, is called
(A) closer (B) half brick
(C) bed (D) Bat
Answer: - Option D
9.The piece of a brick cut with its one corner equivalent to half the length and half the width of a full brick, is known as
(A) queen closer (B) bevelled closer
(C) king closer (D) half king
Answer: - Option C
10 . The brick laid with its breadth parallel to the face of a wall, is known as
(A) Header (B) Stretcher
(C) closer (D) None of these
Answer: - Option A
11. The 19 cm x 9 cm side of a brick as seen in the wall face, is generally known as
(A) Header (B) Stretcher
(C) closer (D) None of these
Answer: - Option A
temporary rigid
structure having platforms to enable masons
to work at different stages
of a building, is known
(A) scaffolding (B) dead shore
(C) raking shore (D) underpinning
Answer: - Option A
13. The type of stone masonry
in which stones
of same height
are laid in layers, is called
(A) Random rubble masonry (B) Course
rubble masonry
(C) uncoursed rubble masonry (D) ashlar masonry
Answer: - Option B
14. The type of bond in which every
course contains both headers and stretchers, is calle
(A) English bond (B) Flemish bond
(C) Russian band (D) Stretcher bond
Answer: - Option A
15. In............. shore arrangement, the inclined supports are given to the external walls from the
(A) Raking shore (B) Flying shore
(C) Dead shore (D) Patented shore
Answer: - Option A
A building
can be mainly divided into how many basic components?
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 6 (D) 8
Answer: -
Option B
Which of the below
is constructed above doors, windows?
(A) Joist (B) Purlin
(C)Lintel (D) Arch
Answer: -
Option C
What is the level below window called?
(A) Pane level (B)
Lintel level
(C) Sill level (D) Plinth level
Answer: - Option C
19 is the part of building
constructed above the plinth level.
(A) Superstructure (B) Substructure
(C)Foundation (D) Plinth
Answer: - Option A
20 is the top most part of building
which provides covering
to the entire
assembly and the occupants.
Roof (B) Ceiling
(C)Coping (D)
Parapet wall
Answer: - Option A
22 . Under reamed piles are normally bored................................. piles.
Cast in situ
piles (B) Pre
cast piles
(C) Steel piles (D)
Composite piles
Answer: - Option A
closer may be placed
(A) in header
course (B) in stretcher cours
(C) in header
course next to first brick (D) in stretcher course next to first
Answer: - Option C
24 .The 9 cm x 9 cm side of a brick as seen in the wall face, is generally known as
(A) face (B) front
(C) header (D) Back
Answer: -
Option C
.The portion
of a brick cut across
the width, is called
(A) closer (B) half brick
(C) bed (D) bat.
Answer: - Option D
26 .The exterior angle between outer faces of a wall, is known as
(A) turn (B) junction
(C) quion (D)
all the above.
Answer: -
Option C
27 . A course
of stone provided
immediately below a cornice is called
(A) Blocking course (B) coping
(C) frieze (D) lintel.
Answer: -
Option C
28 . The piece
of a brick cut with its one
corner equivalent to half the length and half the width of a
full brick, is known as
queen closer (B)
bevelled close
(C) king closer (D) half king closer
Answer: - Option C
29. The brick laid with its breadth parallel
to the face of a wall, is known as
(A) header (B) stretcher
(C) stretcher (D) none
of these
Answer: - Option A
30. The form work from the underside of slabs, can be removed
only after
(A) 1 day 4 days
(C) 7 days (D)14 days
Answer: - Option C
Expansion joints
in masonry walls are provided
if length exceeds
(A) 10m (B) 20m
(C) 30m (D) 40m
Answer: - Option
The form work from the sides
of beams can be removed
only after
(A) 1 day (B) 4 days
(C) 7 days (D) 14 days
Answer: - Option 7
To obtain
good bonding in brick masonry
(A) First class bricks are used (B) Vertical joints in alternate courses are kept in plumb line
(C) Bats are used where necessary (D) All the above
Answer: - Option D
The 19 cm x 9 cm side of a brick as seen in the wall face,
is generally known
(A) Stretcher (B) face
(C) front (D) heade
Answer: - Option A
The type of ashlar masonry
in which stones
are finely chisel
dressed and thickness of joints does not exceed 3 mm, is
(A) chamfered ashlar masonry (B) ashlar facing masonry
(C) random coursed
ashlar masonry (D) coursed ashlar masonry
Answer: - Option D
A temporary rigid structure having
platforms to enable
masons to work
at different stages of a building, is known as
(A) scaffolding (B) dead shore
(C)raking shore (D) under pinning.
Answer: -
Option A
The type
of stone masonry
in which stones
of same height
are laid in layers, is called
(A) random rubble masonr (B) course rubble masonry
(C)uncaused rubble masonry (D) ashlar masonry.
Answer: - Option B
The formWork
including the props can be removed from beams, only
(A) 3 day (B) 7 days
(C) 14 days (D) 21 days
Answer: - Option B
38. The type of bond in a brick
masonry containing alternate courses of stretchers and headers,
is called
(A) Flemish bond (B)English bond
(C) Stretcher bond (D) Header bond.
Answer: - Option B
The type
of bond in which every
course contains both
headers and stretchers, is called
(A) English bond (B) Flemish bond
(C) Stretcher bond (D) Stretcher bond
Answer: - Option B
To stagger
vertical joints in successive courses
of a wall, a piece
of brick is generally used at the end of the course, which is known as
(A) bat (B) header
(C) stretcher (D) closer.
Answer: - Option D
Flints used in flint rubble masonry
(A) Nodules of fly ash (B) Ndules of feldspar
(C) Nodules of mica (D) Nodules of silica
Answer: -
Option D
Great skill and skilled
labour are required
for laying:
(A) Coursed rubble masonry (B) Ashlar fine masonry
(C) Ashlar chamfered masonry (D) Dry rubble
Answer: - Option D
What should be placed at the beginning of every header
course in English
bond to avoid vertical joint?
(A) Queen closer (B) Half bat
(C) Three fourth
bat (D) King closer
Answer: - Option A
The temporary framework is known
as and it is useful in construction
demolition, maintenance or repair works.
(A) Underpinning (B) Shoring
(C) Scaffolding (D) Grouting
Answer: - Option C
In shore arrangement, the
inclined supports are given to the external
walls from the ground.
(A) Raking shore (B)
Flying shore
(C) Dead
shore (D)
Patented sho
Answer: - Option A
In formwork for
the wall, the are provided by vertical Struts
and horizontal wales.
(A) Studs (B) Wales
(C) Sheets (D) Ties
Answer: - Option C
47. The term
is used to indicate the art of building the structures in stones.
(A) Masonry (B) Mortar
(C) Brick (D) Bond
Answer: - Option A
48. The horizontal course provided at suitable levels between the plinth and the cornice is termed as a
(A) Sill (B) Corbel
(C) String Course (D) Cornice
Answer: - Option C
49. The projecting course at ground floor level is known as
(A) Throating (B) Plinth
(C) Coping (D) Weathering
Answer: - Option B
is a course
of stone which
is laid at the top wall so as to protect the wall from
rain water.
Course (B) Cornice
(C) Corbel (D) Coping
Answer: - Option D
is a course
of stone provided
at the top of wall to dispose
off rain water.
(A) Throating (B) Sill
(C) Cornice (D) Weathering
Answer: - Option C
52. The term
is sometimes used to denote
the wearing of stone surfaces
by the action of
the weather.
(A) Weathering (B) Throating
(C) Corbel (D) Sill
Answer: - Option A
is a projecting stone which is usually provided to serve as support for
roof truss,
beam, weather shed, etc
(A) Course (B) Cornice
(C) Corbel (D) Coping
Answer: - Option C
54. Stones which are placed at regular interval right across the wall are known as
(A) Spalls (B) Through stones
(C) Reveals (D) Springer
Answer: - Option B
55. The external corners angles of your wall surface are called the
(A) Bond (B) Reveals
(C) Jambs (D) Quoins
Answer: - Option D
The sites
of the opening such as doors, windows,
etc. are known as the and they are constructed similar to quoins
(A) Jambs (B) Spalls
(C) Through stones (D) Stooling
Answer: - Option A
57. The projecting course from an arch or Window head is known as a
Apex (B) Skew Corbel
(C) Kneeler (D) Label
Answer: - Option D
58. The horizontal stones
provided at the top of openings of Doors, Windows,
etc. are known
as the
Reveals (B) Heads
(C) Springer (D) Sill
Answer: - Option B
The temporary framework is known as and
it is useful in construction demolition, maintenance or repair works.
(A) Underpinning (B) Shoring
(C) Scaffolding (D) Grouting
Answer: - Option C
the most common
type of scaffolding and is widely
used in the construction of brickwork.
Suspended scaffolding (B) Single scaffolding
(C) Trestle scaffolding (D) Steel scaffolding
Answer: - Option B
is stronger than the single
scaffolding and it is used
in the construction of stone
Trestle scaffolding (B) Steel scaffolding
(C) Patented scaffolding (D) Double scaffolding
Answer: - Option D
of scaffolding is used when the proper
hard ground is not available for the standards to rest.
scaffolding (B) Bricklayers scaffolding
(C) Trestle scaffolding (D) Cantilever scaffolding
Answer: - Option D
a very light type of scaffolding and can be used only for the maintenance work such as painting, pointing, whitewashing, etc.
(A) Trestle scaffolding (B) Suspended scaffolding
(C) Patented scaffolding (D) Needle scaffolding
Answer: - Option B
In type
of scaffolding, the working platform
is supported on movable contrivances such
as Ladders, tripods,
etc., mounted on wheels.
(A) Trestle scaffolding (B) Cantilever scaffolding
(C) Mason’s scaffolding (D) Bricklayers scaffolding
Answer: - Option A
In type
of scaffolding, in place of timber, the Steel tubes
can be effectively used for the scaffolding work.
(A) Steel scaffolding (B) Patented scaffolding
(C) Suspended scaffolding (D) Trestle scaffolding
Answer: - Option A
are the vertical members of the framework and they are either supported on the ground or embedded into the ground.
(A) Ledgers (B) Standards
(C) Putlogs (D) Rakers
Answer: - Option B
is a piece which
is used to bridge an opening in a wall and it supports one
end of the putlog at the opening.
(A) Transoms (B) Braces
(C) Rope (D) Bridle
Answer: - Option D
is a Board
placed parallel to the Ledgers
and supported between
the Putlogs.
(A) Toe board (B) Guard rail
(C) Raker (D) Bolts
Answer: - Option A
Sometimes the structures are to be temporarily supported. This is achieved by what is known
as the
Scaffolding (B) Shoring
(C) Underpinning (D) Grouting
Answer: - Option B
In shore
arrangement, the inclined
supports are given
to the external walls from the
Raking shore (B) Flying shore
(C) Dead shore (D) Patented shore
Answer: - Option A
In arrangement, the horizontal supports
are given two parallel walls
which have become unsafe due to the removal
or collapse of the intermediate building.
(A) Inclined shore (B) Raking shore
(C) Dead shore (D) Flying shore
Answer: - Option D
In arrangement, the horizontal members, known as the needles are supported by vertical members.
(A) Horizontal shore (B) Flying shore
(C) Dead shore (D) Raking shore
Answer: - Option C
necessary to tie back the scaffolding with
the building at suitable levels.
Loading (B) Tying-in
(C) Raising (D) Spacing
Answer: - Option B
The loading on the scaffolding decides the of standards.
(A) Loading (B) Finishing
(C) Raising (D) Spacing
Answer: -
Option D
If the standards or not resting
on the firm
ground, the of the standard should
be provided and their bottom
(A) Bedding (B) Tying-in
(C) Raising (D) Spacing
Answer: - Option A
In shores, the needles are placed at a distance
of about 1.5 m to 2 m and they are
suitably braced.
(A) Vertical shores (B) Horizontal shore
(C) Inclined shore (D) Raking shore
Answer: - Option A
type of Shoring is suitable for a maximum
distance of about
9 m between the adjacent parallel walls.
(A) Dead shore (B) Raking shore
(C) Vertical shore (D) Flying shore
Answer: - Option D
The should be preferably Inclined
at 45° with the ground.
Horizontal shore (B) Raking shore
(C) Dead shore (D) Vertical shore
Answer: - Option B
The placing of new Foundation below and the existing foundation of the process
of strengthening the existing
Foundation is known
as the of foundation.
(A) Shoring (B) Shoring
(C) Grouting (D) Scaffolding
Answer: - Option B
In method of underpinning, the existing wall
is divided into
suitable sections of width about 1.20 metre to 1.50 metre.
(A) Pit Method (B) Pile Method
(C) Miscellaneous Method (D) Chemical Method
Answer: - Option A
In method,
the piles are driven along
both the sides
of existing wall
and the needle in the form of pile caps are provided through
the existing one.
(A) Pit method (B) Pile method
(C) Miscellaneous method (D) Vibroflotation
Answer: - Option B
method is used to restore slab or pavement
which has settled.
Vibroflotation (B) Freezing
(C) Freezing (D) Cement grouting
Answer: - Option
In method, the soil under
the existing footing
is consolidated by using chemicals.
Chemical consolidation (B) Freezing
(C) Cement grouting (D) Vibroflotation
Answer: - Option A
method is useful
when the soil consists of sand or granular material.
Vibroflotation (B) Chemical grouting
(C) Chemical consolidation (D) Freezing
Answer: - Option C
In method, the
freezing pipes are driven below
the existing footing
and the soil is frozen.
(A) Vibroflotation (B) Cement grouting
(C) Chemical consolidation (D) Freezing
Answer: - Option D
In method, the underpinning is carried out by vibrating
the sand.
A) Cement grouting (B) Vibroflotation
(C) Chemical consolidation (D) Freezing
Answer: - Option B
When one building is higher
than the other shores.
may be provided on the horizontal
(A) Raking shore (B) Pile Underpinning
(C) Flying shore (D) Flying shore
Answer: - Option A
Which form of brick stone
composite masonry is commonly used at locations where rubble stone
is available in huge amounts,
but ashlar is not available?
(A) Brick-backed ashlar masonry (B) Brick-backed stone slab facing
(C) Rubble-backed brick masonry (D) Stone-backed masonry
Answer: - Option C
Which of the following tools
is used for cutting soft bricks?
(A) ) Scutch (B) Trowel
(C) Jointer (D) Jointer
Answer: - Option A
Mason‟s square is used for checking angles.
Acute (B) Obtuse
(C) Right (D) Straight
Answer: - Option C
Which of the following is not a form of brick stone
composite masonry?
Brick-backed ashlar masonry (B) ) Brick-backed stone slab facing
(C) Rubble-backed brick
masonry (D) Stone-backed masonry
Answer: - Option D
Plumb rule is used for checking the of brick walls.
(A) Horizontality (B) Angularity
(C) Uniformity (D) Verticality
Answer: - Option D
Which of the following should
be used for construction in brick-backed ashlar
(A Cement mortar (B) Lime mortar
(C) Mud mortar (D) Cement concrete
Answer: - Option A
In rubble-backed brick
masonry, each alternate course comprises of a
(A) Header (B) Stretcher
(C) Bat (D) Quoin header
Answer: - Option D