22318 - Computer Graphics Lab Manual Answer Download

Practicals Name of 22318 - Computer Graphics are as followed

1. Write Programs to draw following graphics object using built-in "C" functions. a) Pixel b) Lines c) Circles d) Rectangle e) Ellipse

2. Implement DDA algorithm to draw line.

3. Implement Bresennham's algorithm to draw line

4. Implement Bresennham's algorithm to draw a circle

5. Write a program to fill Polygon using Flood fill method.

6. Write a program to fill Polygon using Boundary lill method.

7. Write a program in C to perform twodimensional transformation (Translation and Scaling)

8. Write a program in C to perform two dimensional transformation (Rotation)

9. Write a program in C to perform two dimensional transformation (Reflection and Shearing)

10. Write a program in C to perform three dimensional transformation for b) Scaling

11. Write a program in C to perform threedimensional transformation for a) Translation

12. Write a program to clip line using CohenSutherland algorithm a) Rotation

22318 - Computer Graphics Lab Manual Answer Download

Hello Students, Welcome to Mypractically.Here today I give you Computer Graphics Subject Code - (22318) Practical Manual Answer 100% Free without any cost.This post is very beneficial for Computer Engineering branch 3rd semester.

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So, students I give you Pdf of Computer Graphics Answer.Here,Our team give you some practical answer. Students, I upload practical Manual Answer of Computer Graphics Subject Code - (22318) in Pdf.

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